Final Drawing for 6th Anniversary Held

We have 6 more winners, commemorating YNot Web’s 6th business anniversary.  Notifications are going out throughout the weekend. Our first winner, Janet Pickel of Sentinel Technology Solutions has selected her prize to be season tickets to Sacramento Opera.  Our...

Business Anniversary – Week 3 Winner

Its week #3 celebrating our 6th business anniversary and Doug Spindler of PacITPros is our third winner for this year’s Customer Appreciation Raffle. YNot Web has set up a series of CMS websites over the past 4 years for this not-for-profit association. ...

Its that time again!

Time to pull another winner from our customer entries in this year’s Customer Appreciation raffle! This week’s winner is Kimanh Davis, owner of Sunrise Technologies whose site we modernized setting it up for easy self-maintenance and growth.  Kimanh...

Clear Vision Coaching

My site has been revised several times – I have gotten lots of positive feedback about its professionalism. Kammy has helped me “refresh” the look and add content. The site is easy to use and clearly reflects me and my business. Sandra Swenson Scott...

Trude Vasquez

I’ve received very positive comments from my clients. They say it’s easy to navigate through the pages. They layout of the homepage is clean, not a lot of extra buzz words and graphics, just the necessary information to get them to the information...