Kammy,Thanks for making our experience as painless as possible. You are terrific to work with and we appreciate your knowledge and ease as well. I am sure we will be working with you in the future! —Kevin J. Williams, Managing Partner of FutureDecisions
I contacted Kammy after my web site was already built, but not functioning as I knew it should. She used her expertise in web development to help me understand and design the navigation and then she re-built it for easy update maintenance. Kammy has a broad range of...
Fair Oaks Events is an ongoing Community Events Calendar project donated to the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce. The events calendar allows community groups to post local Fair Oaks events, such as the Fair Oaks Dog Walk, so community visitors can keep up with things to...
We’ve started working on Wild West Imports this week. We will be giving the home page an overhaul as well as updating the imports catalog and auction calendar.