Most Popular Ad Sizes

While determining which size ads I wanted to prioritize for one of our online marketing clients, I found the Most Popular Ad Sizes as determined by Nielsen/NetRatings. Times change and as large screen monitors and larger resolutions come out, more and more...

Global Web Stats

Well as another round of “latest and greatest” products come into play after the massive holiday gift-giving season, I like to take a look at trends and current stats for what settings and software internet users have. The stat I pay attention to most is...

YNot Web named Business of the Year

YNot Web was recently honored with the 2006 Business of the Year award by the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce. On hand for the award presentation at the Chamber general luncheon meeting was Assemblyman Roger Niello and representatives from Supervisor Roberta...

Surprise Award

Today I was surprised to be presented with the “Business of the Year” award from the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce. This award is voted on by a group of my Chamber peers and is recognized by the California State Assembly and Sacramento County’s Board...

Free AdCenter Credits

Ever since Microsoft launched their new AdCenter back in May, they have been increasing promotion to try to lure advertisers to use the system to place pay per click ads on the MSN and Live Search networks. If you’ve thought about adding pay-per-click methods to...