Hold Off on IE7

Don’t push that button!  I would recommend NOT upgrading to IE7 when your Windows Updater prompts you to do so.  There are still some major issues.  Frankly, I’m surprised Microsoft would release it like this, even with Microsoft’s so-called...

Yahoo Sponsored Search

Yahoo again is sending out promotional codes worth a $25 credit via postal mail to help you sign up for Yahoo! Search Marketing. If you want to try to pull in a larger number of holiday shoppers and are thinking about trying out this advertisement method, starting...

Giving Business Thanks

Obviously, on Thanksgiving we should all take a moment to reflect those things we are thankful for.  Among the obvious health, friends, and family I would like to acknowlege the things I am thankful for in my business life.  1. I am thankful to own my own business. ...

Did I say my busy season was over??

Well, yes I did.  I had a nice 2 week reprieve from the “summer” season but that came quickly to an end with the “end of year crush”. I’m not really sure why (and it seems to get worse every year) but I get inundated with new prospects as...

Busy Season Ended

As usual, November marks the end of our busy season at YNot Web. This seems to be the normal ebb and flow here, with tons of summer projects and vendors that scramble to make it online before the holiday season. I relish this time as it lets me reconnect with the...