Articles, Email and Spam, Marketing, Reviews and Recommendations
I am often asked about email newsletters or mailing lists, how to manage them, or what software is needed. You can find several articles on newsletters in general in the ‘Conversion” category of my Article archives. I have also intended to write more in...
Local, Marketing, YNot Web Happenings
This week I will be speaking at two different local business groups about “Web Site Content: What to Write for your Site to best promote your business and get targeted leads.” Once I have completed the presentions, I will be posting most the content...
New Technologies, YNot Web Happenings
Well, today my new Tablet PC arrived. I upgraded my M1300 to an LE1600 from Motion Computing. I was a bit bummed that none of my old components or upgrades would transfer over, but I am excited about the new features- especially the thumbprint reader and the View...