Google Fight

My husband pointed this site out to me. Mostly just for fun, let two search terms duke it out to find out which one rules Google results. Of course, you could use this for serious reasons- checking out the amount of competition for two...

Have you made your backups lately?

In creating a CD of photos for an aunt today, I reached into my CD area to get a case to send it in, brushing by my spool of CD backups. ooh, scary. How long has it been since I made a CD backup of my email? Of my web server? Of all my business documents? Yikes- it...

Google Analytics Update

Well, it seems news of Google Analytics broke this morning and that broke Google Analytics. Google has a note posted stating: Google Analytics has experienced extremely strong demand, and as a result, we have temporarily limited the number of new signups as we...

Google Analytics

I never intended to have so much news about Google that it would need its own section, but days after my latest Google-related entry, there are two new pieces of news. First, I come across “Google Analytics” while working on a Google Adwords campaign for a...