Hold Off on IE7

Don’t push that button!  I would recommend NOT upgrading to IE7 when your Windows Updater prompts you to do so.  There are still some major issues.  Frankly, I’m surprised Microsoft would release it like this, even with Microsoft’s so-called...

New Virus wave

Just a heads up that there is a new wave of viruses spreading to web sites and through html email (that’s any email that has any pictures, graphics, special fonts). Many times the virus is spread through a website that’s been infected unbeknownst to the...

Anti-Virus Programs

Everyone, and I mean everyone should have anti-virus software installed if they use a computer that is networked in any way, shape, or form. (If you’re reading this you are on the largest network alone- the Internet!) If you don’t, you are not only putting...

Beware Fake Listing Service Bills

Yet another company is using deceptive practices to try to scam website owners out of their hard-earned money. A letter comes in the mail with your domain name at the top. The letter says something like “Website Listing Service” at the top right. The first...