Did I say my busy season was over??

Well, yes I did.  I had a nice 2 week reprieve from the “summer” season but that came quickly to an end with the “end of year crush”. I’m not really sure why (and it seems to get worse every year) but I get inundated with new prospects as...

Busy Season Ended

As usual, November marks the end of our busy season at YNot Web. This seems to be the normal ebb and flow here, with tons of summer projects and vendors that scramble to make it online before the holiday season. I relish this time as it lets me reconnect with the...

Take Action Today

This is a summary of a recent full-length article.  To see the full text, go to “Take Action Today” in our Articles section. So many times I have given ideas and advice to clients about steps they can take to to increase the number of leads or improve...

Take Action Today

So many times I have given ideas and advice to clients about steps they can take to to increase the number of leads or improve their conversion rates from prospect to customer, yet rarely do I see those ideas put into action.Doing nothing never has a positive effect...

Influx of SPAM

Lately I have been receiving a huge amount of spam- not those normal levels of annoying amounts that get stuck in my spam filter anyway- but a noticable influx alot of which is getting through my spam filters with business-like topics such as “RE: Our...